Church Mouse


01.06.20 09:24 PM By MBC - Comment(s)

This long-enforced curfew has deprived us of each other’s company. It is the mystery of our need for friendship which can leave individuals feeling lonely and anxious. We have set up a valuable channel of communication. Thia has enabled a number of our fellowship to enjoy an almost daily conversatio...

Servant, or slave ?

17.05.20 09:09 PM By MBC - Comment(s)

“I’m a slave to my work”, some people complain. Does that mean they have an inescapable job they have to fulfil, or an irrepressible addiction like a hobby or a habit ? Conscience is always a nagging companion in our life-choices and the reason for our choices is the key question.

The Bible is God’...

Community Chat

05.04.17 01:03 PM By MBC - Comment(s)

Sharing is good.... tell us your thoughts